Burn me..
Burn me with Your light,
Baptise me again in Your seas.
I always love to see You
Bless me, so I can fulfill Your desires.
Draw me a sword against the slavery,
A reality coming out of a dream,
Exploding all kinds of love and feelings.
Make me a song on people's lips
A dove, with a peace mission.
Oh God!...
You're always on my mind.
Blow me a cloud wider than earth
To rain crops everywhere,
To blow the hate away;
And decorate baskets, instead
By the waiting flowers
On the children's lips.

Plant me a palm tree in the faraway desert,
So I can be the shade in the hot days
And the water for a thirsty person
Whom is lost between yesterday and tomorrow.
Oh God!...
Help me to tow the red crosses,
To change slavery to freedom,
To throw away the bitter cup
And let the fanatic admit
That You are the One
The unbreakable One
Between the human sects.
